Welcome to Aksoro Group

Anak-anak Ambis yang Suka Prestasi dan Hobi Haha Hihi


Aksara group has more than 25.000 entrepreneurs joining the ecosystem. We do not focus on theories and motivations. We focus on copying success patterns and skills that work. We focus on impact.


More than 50 mentors and speakers has shared their knowledge and experience in our platform.


By maintaining an extremely high standard in our education products, by God’s will Aksara Group has marked exponential growth over the past consecutive years.


Culture is the most important asset of Aksara Group. We are spending the last 10 years building a superteam based on this culture, and we are really proud of it!

Our DNA : 
Aksara Ceria Juara

Join the force, and be the master of the 4 elements


We believe, only happy souls in a happy environment can achieve extraordinary results


It is impossible to produce superior success unless we do something different from 99% of the people.


Maintaining integrity is the only way to respect ourselves and sustain our success. Nothing glorious in achieving remarkable success by compromising our integrity


Tim Aksoro are people who get
things done. People who honors themselves by achieving excellence


Environment That Helps You Grows

Month in, month out there’s always something to learn from our internal training program & sharing session. As part of our culture, we are conditioned to meet people smarter, bigger, and better than us. 

A Helping Hands

As part of happiness culture, you will be surrounded with helping hands. Through our buddy program, as a new hire it is always a relief to have someone you can rely on to help you. 

Being Human

There must be a reason why we have great people staying at our company. We are people that celebrate life, we love good foods, and we love having a good laugh together ?

Make Something You Can Be Proud Of

Above all, we want to help each others to shine. To achieve something. To spend years that you can be proud of.

What’s great about working at Aksoro?

Dinna Khoirun Nisa

Business Manager

Bisa ketemu pak Jonan langsung dan orang orang hebat lainnya seperti Rindi Allorerung ?

Maretha Hevazabella

Sales & Service Head

Bisa punya relasi pebisnis2 hebat dan sukses yang pengalamannya luar biasa and yeahh such a great thing dengan bisa ngobrol, sharing, dan download ilmu dari mereka! Seru banget!

Fahmi Bahar

Marketing Head

Di Aksoro tuh seru karena kita selalu dikasih ruang dikasih kesempatan buat tumbuh. Terus bisa ketemu dan ngobrol sama orang-orang hebat di dunia bisnis. Sungguh nikmat yang tidak bisa didustakan!

Rifda Ambar Febriani

Product Development Head

Bisa nyobain dan eksperimen banyak hal, temen temennya gokil!

Syarifah Alfi N.

Partnership Specialist

I feel that being surrounded by people who have a strong desire to always grow makes me unafraid to express my ideas. There is a lot of support to make it happen!

Tiffany Amalia

People Specialist

Banyak dapet experience nyobain first time in life dan selalu diberi ruang untuk eksperimen hal-hal gila. Plusnya lagi bisa ketemu dan sharing bareng sama orang-orang keren gratisss!!

Suka Ngejer Prestasi
dan Suka Haha-Hihi?

Sini.. sini.. there’s a great chance yang kamu cari ada disini.

Frequently Asked Questions

Kirim CV kemana

Silakan kirimkan CV kamu melalui website resmi kami di Aksoro Career (aksoro.co.id/jobs). Pastikan kamu mengikuti panduan pengisian form yang tersedia. Serta unggah dokumen sesuai dengan format yang diminta.

Cara submit portofolio gimana?

Portofolio dapat diunggah langsung di form yang tersedia pada website Aksoro Career (aksoro.co.id/jobs) bersamaan dengan CV kamu. Pastikan file dalam format PDF atau cantumkan link portofolio online kamu di kolom yang tersedia.

Kira-kira saya bakal cocok nggak disini?

Kami mencari individu yang kreatif, berintegritas, dan memiliki semangat untuk terus belajar. Jika kamu merasa memiliki nilai yang sejalan dengan budaya perusahaan kami, kamu adalah kandidat yang cocok. Pelajari lebih lanjut di sini apakah kamu cocok dengan tim Aksoro.

Cara ngecek status lamaran saya?

Kamu dapat mengecek status lamaran melalui email konfirmasi yang kami kirimkan setelah proses seleksi. Jika tidak ada kabar dalam 14 hari kerja, kamu dapat menghubungi ke alamat email hr@aksoro.co.id

Saya udah pernah ngelamar dan dulu gak dapet. Boleh nggak, ngelamar lagi?

Tentu saja! Kami menyambut lamaran baru dari kandidat yang pernah melamar sebelumnya, asalkan posisi yang dilamar berbeda atau ada peningkatan kualifikasi sejak lamaran terakhir kamu.

Saya diluar kota, boleh nggak ngelamar?

Tentu boleh! By default kantor kami di daerah Jogja tapi kami mendukung kerja jarak jauh untuk posisi tertentu. Pastikan kamu mencantumkan informasi domisili kamu saat ini di CV agar kami dapat mempertimbangkan profile kamu.